martes, junio 28

Till further notice ~ Hasta nuevo aviso

Back from the strike school has been fun but it's going to be hell. For that and some other reasons I'm taking myself off the net till further notice. Won't be on messenger and won't be reading blogs (sorry... but if u posted something incredible and not too long send an e-mail and i will try and read it). I've been driving myself crazy these last few days, or school is doing it for me :P, so it's possible I post (as it's possible I don't).
Lotsa hugs to u all :)

De vuelta del paro la universidad ha estado divertida pero va a ser el infierno. Por eso y por otras razones me voy a desconectar de internet hasta nuevo aviso. No voy a estar en messenger ni voy a leer blogs (lo siento... pero si postean algo increíble y no muy largo manden un mail y voy a tratar de leerlo). Me he estado volviendo loca estos últimos días, o la universidad lo ha estado haciendo por mí :P, así que es posible que postee (así como es posible que no lo haga).
Muchos abrazos para todos :)

lunes, junio 27


There had been joy all around the town; people had recently celebrated the beginning of the New Year. She had had a bad feeling the previous week, she felt something in her gut, but didn’t pay attention; her gut had been wrong many times before.
The celebration had distracted them. They lowered the vigilance… the demons got unleashed.
As she looked now from her balcony her eyes were in tears. Demons run around town quietly poisoning the town inhabitants’ ears. They were destroying the town she had built with such effort, hope and love.
She felt powerless, she had to save the town but there was no one she could call… the old heroes were now dead, away, or so wounded they could not fight again…

Había habido alegría por todo el pueblo, la gente había celebrado el comienzo del Nuevo Año recientemente. Ella había tenido un mal presentimiento la semana anterior, sintió algo en sus entrañas, pero no le prestó atención; sus entrañas se habían equivocado muchas veces antes.

La celebración los había distraído. Bajaron la vigilancia… los demonios se liberaron.
Mientras miraba por su balcón había lágrimas en sus ojos. Los demonios corrían por el pueblo envenenando en voz baja los oídos de los habitantes del pueblo. Estaban destruyendo el pueblo que había construido con tanto esfuerzo, esperanza y amor.
Se sentía impotente, tenía que salvar el pueblo pero no había nadie a quien pudiera llamar… los antiguos héroes estaban ahora muertos, lejos, o tan heridos que no podían pelear de nuevo…

sábado, junio 25

Victory as new Mitsubishi buying policy rejects Tasmanian old-growth forest destruction

Greenpeace today applauded Mitsubishi Paper Mill's new wood-chip buying policy which rules out sources from old growth Tasmanian forests.

Responding to Greenpeace Japan's demands not to buy Tasmanian old growth woodchips, Mitsubishi Paper mills stated to Greenpeace in 2004 that they "will transit to purchase only from plantation or second forestry as soon as possible." In June 2005, Mitsubishi Paper mills has informed Greenpeace that its new policy is to buy only woodchips "sourced from plantations or second growth forests of environmentally benign, and reclaimed wood."

This is a major victory for anyone who doesn't want Tasmania's magnificent, ancient forests reduced to woodchips and pulp.

Thank you for sending your voice. More than 18,000 messages has been sent to the companies!

Mitsubishi Paper Mills' move follows a sustained campaign by Greenpeace and other NGOs to save Tasmania's old growth forests. This included a 5 month tree sit, called Global Rescue Station, in a huge gum tree that was slated for logging.

Most old growth timber from large-scale clearfelling in Tasmania is converted to woodchips, largely for export to Japan. The Japanese firm Mitsubishi, along with Oji paper and Nippon, is a major international buyer of forest products from Gunns.

Gunns, which receives the overwhelming majority of Tasmanian logs destined for sawmills and woodchip mills, is the driving force behind Tasmanian old growth forest destruction. Gunns still has its legal case pending against many local environmental NGOs and selected individuals in Tasmania. This case has been brought by Gunns who are accusing NGOs of damaging their business interests through their campaign work against them. This could set a very dangerous precedent and Greenpeace, whilst not being specifically named in this case, is watching the development of this very carefully.

Please send your message to the companies if you haven't acted yet! Act now!

viernes, junio 24

We Tripantu

Desde hace algunos años pienso en los cumpleaños como Años nuevos personales. El final de una ciclo y un nuevo comienzo (esa frase es rara… nuevo comienzo, hm…), energía, oportunidades, la vida de nuevo, todo fresco.
Hace dos día escuché en la radio algo fascinante. Los Mapuches (mi pueblo nativo favorito en Chile) celebrarían el We Tripantu (su Año Nuevo) este 24 de junio. Que sincronía agradable!
Así que me puse a leer un poco. Resulta que los mapuches consideraban el comienzo del invierno como la etapa de la renovación de la vida. El agua fluye, limpia y nutre.
Me cuesta creer que se cumplen 23 años desde que ese bebé nació y luchó por su vida durante 12 días.
Me cuesta creer que mi paseo en este espacio tiempo ya lleve 23 años.
Y con todo lo que me cuesta creer estos 23 años que hoy se anotan en mi registro, los agradezco, los he disfrutado, he tenido pena, he reído, amado, llorado, muerto y renacido más de una vez.
Lamentablemente si muriera hoy no podría responder “sí” a la pregunta de mi vida. Aunque siento que estaría más cerca que antes. Y ya que las resoluciones de Año Nuevo son tan populares, la mía es vivir cada día de manera que al final del día la respuesta se acerque un poquito más a “sí”, y en un año más estar bastante más cerca de lo que estoy hoy.
Hoy, cuando comienzo a vivir mi 24º año de vida miro al año 23º y fue buenísimo. Gané, perdí, y me di cuenta de que en ocasiones donde creí perder no perdía más que una ilusión. Volví a soñar, entregué el corazón a sueños locos y sin futuro, pero hermosos como el que más. Me embarqué en nuevas aventuras y probé algunas cosas nuevas que sabían un poco a peligro, otras a amargura, y otras a delicia. Guau! Que año movido el anterior, desde el primer día hasta el último, valió la pena, cada segundo.
Y ahora más que preparada para lo que se viene desde hoy. El libro se sigue escribiendo con tinta brillante e indeleble, y al mismo tiempo el pincel dibuja una sonrisa en mi rostro y un campo de flores en mi corazón.
Salud! Por mis 23 años. Por mi familia que me recibió hace tanto tiempo. Por los amigos que acompañan la vida. Por la alegría de vivir :)

From some years now I think about birthdays as personal New Years. The end of a cycle and a new beginning (that phrase is weird… new beginning, hm…), energy, opportunities, life again, all fresh.
Two days ago I heard in the radio something fascinating. The Mapuches (my favorite native people in Chile) would be celebrating We Tripantu (their New Year) this 24th of June. What a nice synchrony!
So I started reading a little. It turns out that mapuches consider the beginning of winter as the phase or renewal of life. Water flows, cleans, nurtures.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been 23 years since that baby was born and fought for her life for 12 days.
It’s hard to believe that my walk in this space time has been going for 23 years already.
And even when it’s hard for me to believe these 23 years that are written today in my record, I am thankful for them, I have enjoyed them, I have been sad, I have laughed, loved, cried, died and been reborn again more than once.
Unfortunately if I died today I couldn’t answer “yes” to the question of my life. Although I feel I would be closer than before. And since New Year’s resolutions are so popular mine for my New Year is that, to live each day so that at the end of it the answer will be a little bit closer to “yes”, and in one more year be a lot closer to it than it is now.
Today, when I start to live my 24th year of life I look at the 23rd and it was really very good. I won, I lost, I realized that in times when I thought I had lost it wasn’t but an illusion. I dreamed again, I gave my heart to crazy dreams with no future, but beautiful like the most. I embarked in new adventures, and tasted some new tings, that tasted a bit like danger, some other bitter, and some were a delight. Wow! What a shaken year last year was, from the first to the last day, it was worth every second of it.
And now I’m more than prepared for what comes from today on. The book continues to be written with bright permanent ink, and at the same time the paintbrush paints a smile o my face and a field of flowers in my heart.
Cheers! To my 23 years. To my family who received me long ago. To the friends who accompany life. To the joy of living :)

jueves, junio 23

Lunar matters ~ Asuntos lunares

The english (and original) version of this post is in Phantom's blog.

Esta es una traducción del post original, que está en el blog de Phantom.

"Bueno, les dije que estaba fascinado por la luna en el post anterior. Había algo en ella. No podía quitar mis ojos de ella. En este momento, la estoy mirando por la ventana. Está increíblemente gigante. Y ahora sé la razón. Es la Luna que ha estado más baja en 18 años.
la explicación de la Nasa (por supuesto está rara y dice 2002... yo no entiendo, peor en fin).
(toy en la U, no pude encontrar un link decente para el experimento de Ponzo en español).

Hay tantas cosas asociadas co la existencia astronómica... Es un universo separado... tans fascinante... enfatizando que no somos nadie comparados al resto de la creación y la existencia!!!

Así que gente, disfruten de la Luna lo más cerca que ha estado en los últimos 18 años"

miércoles, junio 22

Me and my big mouth (fingers) ~ Yo y mi gran boca (dedos)

*Sigh* all it took was a post, the words "NO HEAT" written down, I just had to post about it so that the next morning there would be a HUGE YELLOW FACE-BURNING SUN out the window *sigh again*
At least it only heats annoyingly when u'r under it and it's not hot in the shadow (winter sun is not that bad after all... tho I would rather not be burnt right on the face by it).
It would be nice to have a windy day on friday... maybe some rain... or even some drops would be enough :)

*Suspiro* todo lo que se necesitó fue un post, las palabras "NO HACE CALOR" escritas, sólo tuve que publicarlo para que la mañana siguiente hubiera un SOL GIGANTE Y AMARILLO QUE QUEMA LA CARA afuera de mi ventana *suspiro de nuevo*
Al menos sólo calienta molestamente cuando estás bajo él y no cuando estás en la sombra (el sol de invierno no es tan malo después de todo... aunque prefiriría no ser quemada justo en la cara por él).
Sería lindo tener un día con viento el viernes... tal vez un poco de lluvia... o incluso unas gotas serían suficientes :)

martes, junio 21

It's here, it's here! ~ Está aquí, está aquí!

Oh yes! One of my fave days in the year is here (and it's almost gone... I was out all day and couldn't post earlier...)!! Winter has officialy begun in the southern hemisphere, oh joy! My fave time of the year, when it's dark outside but u know it's still early to continue doing things, when u can walk outside and the cold is all around u, but u can go back home and get in ur cozy warm bed and drink a cup of hot chocolate. Or go to the beach and see almost no people cuz it's too cold, and u can walk all alone (or with Munku in my case) and run, jump or even sing at the top of ur lungs if u feel like it. Or maybe in the weekend lie in bed with a good book, look out the window and see clouds, or a clear sky, or maybe that typical fog down here.... but best of all NO HEAT!!!! Oh I just love winter :)

Oh sí! Uno de mis días favoritos del año está aquí (ya casi se acaba... estuve todo el día afuera y no pude publicar más temprano...)!! El invierno ha empezado oficialmente en el hemisferio sur, que alegría! Mi época favorita del año, cuando afuera está oscuro pero sabes que todavía es temprano para seguir haciendo cosas, cuando puedes caminar afuera y el frío está todo alrededor, pero puedes ir a tu casa y meterte a tu camita calentita y tomar una taza de chocolate caliente. O ir a la playa y que casi no haya gente porque hace mucho frío, y puedes caminar completamente sol@ (o con Munku en mi caso) y correr, saltar o cantar lo más fuerte posible si tienes ganas. O quizás el fin de semana acostarte en la camita con un buen libro, mirar por la ventana y ver nubes, o un cielo claro, o tal vez la típica niebla que hay acá.... pero lo mejor de todo NO HACE CALOR!!!! Oh como amo el invierno :)

domingo, junio 19

The boys of my life II ~ Los chicos de mi vida II

I continue to count my blessings:

The best, by far the best I could've asked for. Companion of adventures, unconditional support in every situation, dedicated teacher from whom I learn every day, especially when he doesn't now I see him.
He takes care of me, teaches me, keep me company, cheers me up, spoils me, holds my hand, gives me his love in every breath. A man with the soul of a child who steals my heart in every moment.
One of my biggest loves and the other man of my life (so far).

How I wish everyone had one like mine (Hey! one like mine, not mine :P).
I love you more than more, I wouldn't be half the person I am without you. Thank you for being my dad (and Boriss' and Anna's), and thank you for being the best dad.


A special greeting for my dad Tony who has a very special place in my heart and has contributed to the person I am today. I know he is a wonderful dad with his other 3 daughters, and with me he was and has been a great dad also.

Sigo contando mis bendiciones:

El mejor, lejos el mejor que habría podido pedir. Compañero de aventuras, apoyo incondicional en cada situación, profesor dedicado de quien aprendo cada día, sobre todo cuando no sabe que lo estoy mirando.
Me cuida, me enseña, me acompaña, me da ánimo, me malcría, me tiende la mano, me entrega su amor en cada respiro. Un hombre con alma de niño que me roba el corazón a cada momento.
Uno de mis más grandes amores y el otro hombre de mi vida (hasta ahora).

Que ganas de que todos tuvieran uno como el mío! (Ojo: como el mío, no el mío :P).
Te amo más que más, no sería la mitad de la persona que soy sin ti. Gracias por ser mi papá (y el de Boriss y el de Anna), y gracias por ser el mejor papá.


Hago una mención especial a mi papá Tony que ocupa un lugar muy importante en mi corazón y ha contribuido a la persona que hoy soy. Sé que es un papá maravilloso con sus otras 3 hijas, y conmigo fue y ha sido un gran padre también.

Happy B-day Tefy!!! ~ Feliz cumpleaños Tefy!!!

Today is the birthday of my personal friend and sister in faith (our own): Tefy!.

We have shared our good times, lotsa them! And also have been there for each other thru those not so good times. She’s a great friend who has kept me company in such a special way that I many times find it hard to believe that we’ve been friends all these years. She’s another one of the many blessings I count in my life.

We even “wrote” a mall scene together, in one of our usual msn interactions… unfortunately it’s only in Spanish, but for those of u interested u can read it

Happy Birthday dear! Hope u have a blast ;)

Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi amiga personal y hermana en la fe (la nuestra propia): Tefy!.

Hemos compartido nuestros buenos momentos, muchos! Y también hemos estado ahí para la otra en esos momentos no tan buenos. Es una gran amiga que me ha acompañado de una forma tan especial que muchas veces se me hace difícil creer que hemos sido amigas todos estos años. Ella es una de las muchas bendiciones que cuento en mi vida.

Incluso “escribimos” una escena corta juntas, en una de nuestras típicas interacciones de internet… si quieren leerla pueden encontrarla

Feliz cumpleaños querida! Que lo pases fantástico!

viernes, junio 17


I got this e-mail today, HAD to post it.

"With the voices from more than 15,000 Cyberactivists, the 400-year-old giant tree that we sat -in for five months has been protected. However, logging and clear cutting of old growth forests will still continue under this agreement despite the Australian people's desire to see the rapid phase out of old growth logging. Japanese markets still have the responsibility to take measures to avoid buying ancient forest destruction." Greenpeace Japan volunteer activist, Sakyo Noda.

In November, 2003, Greenpeace launched the Global Rescue Station in the Styx Valley of Tasmania, Australia to protect the world's tallest hardwood tree and the forest biodiversity. Greenpeace activists, including Sakyo Noda, sit-in at the Global Rescue Station for five months called on - international markets to take actions to protect the Tasmanian Old-growth forests. Also, you acted as a cyber-activist to - demanded that the Japanese paper market stop buying Tasmanian ancient forest destruction.

After the pressure and actions, recently the Australian Government has agreed to protection for some of the world's tallest hardwoods, the giant "Eucalyptus Regnans." Without the work of Greenpeace, other organizations and your action, these trees were all marked for being cut.

However, old growth logging in the state has not been phased yet and will continue at the rate of 2600 hectares per year. There is still more that remains to be done.

It is still important for customers, in the international market place, to know that the fight to protect the old growth forests of Tasmania is not over yet despite the Australian Government's announcement. The customers involvement in this problem, by demanding products that continue to drive the destruction, will be noted by Greenpeace and other groups.

The deal on Tasmanian forests announced by Prime Minister Howard means the following:
  • 120,000 hectares of old growth has been protected with only 58,000 hectares in formal reserves. Much of the rest is in streamside, steep slopes and skylines that could never be cut under forest management rules. It was hoped that total of 240,000hectares would have been protected.
  • In the North Styx valley, a key area where giant eucalyptus trees grow up to 90 metres, 4,210 hectares has been protected, including the coup where Greenpeace had occupied a giant tree called Gandalf's Staff for over five months. It was hoped that 18,700 hectares would have been protected.
  • Clear felling will be reduced to 20% of all the old growth logging in Tasmania
  • Important old growth forests in the North East of Tasmania (Blue Tier, Great Western Tiers, Ben Lomond) remains open to logging

Greenpeace Japan continues the work to call for Japanese paper markets to have a procurement policy for paper products that avoids buying ancient forest destruction. Through the Greenpeace activities, Fuji Xerox and Canon have stated their procurement policy on paper products .They now needs to implement this policy.

Please send your message to the Japanese paper companies to protect Tasmanian forests. Act now!

Well, and for those of u who want and CAN Support Greenpeace Japan

miércoles, junio 15

Hm... WHO am I?

So, the famous tests, right? many of us have taken it and have shared with each other who we turn out to be. Afer V's and Archer's scary experiences (they both passed from being Mother Teresa and Gandhi respectively to Saddam Hussein after answering a longer test) I decided to take the test in all 4 formats (9, 18, 27 or 45 questions).
Here are my results per test:

9 questions:

18 questions:

27 questions:

45 questions:

So.... who do YOU think I am?

PS: Scary thought: All these people died tragically!!! I can see my future now...

martes, junio 14

Happy B-day Lisa!!! ~ Feliz cumpleaños Lisa!!!

I believe I have told u all about my Vermillion family. Well, today is a suitable day to honour a woman of this family I admire and cherish, and for whom I will never have enough words to thank: Lisa Vermillion. She is my second mother, and she did a great job while I was physically with her, the wonderful thing is she continues to do a great job with me even now, so many years and kms away from those times, cuz she's always in my mind, as my other mom.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! Love ya bunches!!!

Creo que les he dicho a todos sobre mi familia Vermillion. Bien, hoy es el día idóneo para honrar a una mujer de esta familia que admiro y atesoro, para la cual nunca voy a tener suficientes palabras de agradecimiento: LIsa Vermillion. Ella es mi segunda madre, e hizo un gran trabajo mientras estaba físicamente con ella. Lo maravilloso es que continúa haciendo un gran trabajo conmigo incluso ahora, a tantos años y kms de diastancia con esos tiempos, porque está siempre en mi mente, como mi otra mamá.

domingo, junio 12

Curious test

I just took this test. IDK if i like the idea of being an assasination victim but oh well :P

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by

viernes, junio 10

too lazy to even think of a title ~ muy floja para siquiera pensar en un título

Okay! two things:
Last week I was checking a website that I had gotten comments from on the campus blog. I went and read the "humoroscope" (I always read horoscopes, even when I don't pay that much attention to them :P) and I noticed there was a mistake in it, so I e-mailed the oracle (the guy who writes it) and he, as an apology, wrote me a personalized one :) You could check it out if u want, but u probably won't understand cuz it's in Spanish :P (I'm also too lazy to transalate, but I can tell u it says my week is going to be great in every area and so far it's been pretty good :P). If u do go and visit it u can notice my name right after the picture of the oracle written in blue ;)

Now, if u did go ad visit it u saw that i'm a cancerian, so now I let u all know my 23rd birthday (I can't believe i'm going to be 23 already... time flies when u'r having fun) will be in two more weeks!!!. Am I excited about that? of course! I always am!!!
That's it for now. Cheers!
(Listening to "Fiesta pagana" by Mago de oz, excellent song)

Ya! dos cosas:
La semana pasada estaba revisando una página web de la que había recibido un comentario en el blog del campus. Fui y leí el "humoróscopo" (siempre leo los horóscopos, incluso cuando no les presto tanta atención :P) y me di cuenta de que había un error en él, así que le mandé un e-mail al oráculo (el tipo que lo escribe) y él, como forma de disculpa, me escribió uno personalizado :) Si es que lo visitan les aviso que mi nombre y horóscopo están escritos justo debajo de la foto del oráculo, en azul ;)

Bueno, y si lo fueron a ver vieron que soy una canceriana, así que ahora les cuento que mi 23avo cuempleaños (no puedo creer que ya voy a cumplir 23... el tiempo vuela cuando lo pasas bien) va a ser en dos semanas más!!!. Que si estoy emocionada por eso? por supuesto! siempre lo estoy!!!
Eso po! Cariños!
(Escuchando "Fiesta pagana" de Mago de Oz, excelente tema)

martes, junio 7

Religion and politics... ~ Religión y política

It sounds to me like painkillers and alcohol, not a healthy combo, but oh well....
I was watching the 2 o'clock edition of the news today and I saw there's a crisis in Bolivia. It reminded me of what happened here over 30 years ago and that still causes so much pain. In Bolivia the cities are blocked, there's no way in or out for the food, gas, meat, milk, or any products. People are having problems finding something to eat and even those who want to sell their products are not allowed to. Of course there's no exchange of products with Chile.
In the middle of the crisis president Meza was asked for his resignation (which he gave a few hours ago), and since the lines of comunication between the government and the manifestating people were bad, the Catholic Church was asked to act as a mediator. Now... why?
IDK how many bolivians are catholic, but I wonder... would it be like that here if something like that happened again? Cuz here Catholic Church gives its opinion all the time (even now, with the conflict of the students), but I had always thought it was almost a protocol thing. Does it still have that much power, as it had last century?
U know? It's weird for me, cuz I have had a lot of conflicts with Catholic Church, and the fact that it interfers with a country's politics well... doesn't help our relationship. I thought church had to do with humans and God, not with politics. I know politics has to do with humans also, and since both are related to humans there's a relation between religion and politics, I understand that, it just... doesn't feel right. I feel as if God was being cheated here, and I don't like it. I say that cuz I have that thing with politics being so dirty. Although, with all due respect to those who are practicing catholics or feel identified with catholicism, IDK if more can be expected from the Catholic Church.
I'm a mental wreck with these things... shouldn't be mixing politics and religion, it's even worse than mixing alcohol and painkillers (I've never done it but... I bet this is worse :P).
Hugs for all my faithful readers ;) a double one for those who make comments :P

Me suena como a mezclar tranquilizantes con alcohol, una combinación poco saludable, pero será...
Estaba viendo las noticias de las dos y vi que hay una crisis en Bolivia. Me recordó a lo que pasó aquí más de 30 años atrás y que todavía causa tanto dolor. En Bolivia las ciudades están bloqueadas, no hay forma de sacar o entrar comida, gas, carne, leche, o cualquier otro producto. Las personas están teniendo dificultades encontrando qué comer e incluso aquellos que quieren vender sus productos no lo tienen permitido. Por supuesto, no hay intercambio de productos con Chile.
En el medio de la crisis se le pidió la renuncia al presidente Meza (la que dió hace algunas horas), y ya que las líneas de comunicación entre el gobierno y las personas que se manifiestan estaban mal, se le pidió a la Iglesia Católica que actuara como mediadora. Ahora... por qué?
Yo no sé cuántos bolivianos son católicos pero me pregunto... sería así acá si pasara algo parecido de nuevo? Porque aquí la Iglesia Católica da su opinión todo el tiempo (incluso ahora, con el conflicto de los estudiantes), pero yo siempre había pensado que era una cosa casi que de protocolo. Todavía tiene tanto poder, como tuvo el siglo pasado?
Saben? es raro para mí, porque he tenido muchos conflictos con la Iglesia Católica, y el hecho de que interfiera con la política de un país pues... no ayuda a nuestra relación. Yo pensé que la iglesia tenía que ver con los humanos y con Dios, no con la política. Yo sé que también la política tiene que ver con los humanos, y que ya que las dos tienen que ver con los humanos se relacionan, eso lo entiendo, es sólo que... no se siente bien. Me siento como si se estuvieran cagando a Dios, y no me gusta. Por eso de que yo encuentro tan sucia la política, digo. Aunque, con todo el respeto a los católicos practicantes o aquellos que se sientan identificados con el catolicismo, no sé si se puede esperar más de la Iglesia Católica.
Soy un desastre mental con estas cosas... no debería estar mezclando política y religión, es aun peor que mezclar alcohol y tranquilizantes (nunca lo he hecho pero.... apuesto que esto es peor :P).
Abrazos para todos mis fieles lectores ;) y uno doble para los que comentan :P

jueves, junio 2

Munku & Swing

by Francot, mi primo Posted by Hello

Some time ago I posted a picture of my pets. 2 and a half months later I post this picture, and now u can see their progress. When they first met they couldn't be near each other, we even had to hold them to take that pic of them. Now they can't live without each other, see how Munku is erm.... kissing Swing in that pic?
Many thanx to my dear cousin Franco who took it and sent it and let me borrow it. The "kids" love him, as do we ;)

Hace un tiempo atrás publiqué una foto de mis mascotas. 2 y medio meses después publico ésta, y ahora pueden ver su progreso. Cuando recién se conocieron no podían estar cerca el uno del otro, incluso tuvimos que sujetarlos para tomar esa foto de ellos. Ahora no pueden vivir el uno sin el otro, ven como Munku está eehhhh... besando a Swing en esa foto?
Muchas gracias a mi querido primo Franco que la tomó y la envió y me dejó tomarla prestada. Los "niños" lo adoran, igual que nosotros ;)