viernes, junio 10

too lazy to even think of a title ~ muy floja para siquiera pensar en un título

Okay! two things:
Last week I was checking a website that I had gotten comments from on the campus blog. I went and read the "humoroscope" (I always read horoscopes, even when I don't pay that much attention to them :P) and I noticed there was a mistake in it, so I e-mailed the oracle (the guy who writes it) and he, as an apology, wrote me a personalized one :) You could check it out if u want, but u probably won't understand cuz it's in Spanish :P (I'm also too lazy to transalate, but I can tell u it says my week is going to be great in every area and so far it's been pretty good :P). If u do go and visit it u can notice my name right after the picture of the oracle written in blue ;)

Now, if u did go ad visit it u saw that i'm a cancerian, so now I let u all know my 23rd birthday (I can't believe i'm going to be 23 already... time flies when u'r having fun) will be in two more weeks!!!. Am I excited about that? of course! I always am!!!
That's it for now. Cheers!
(Listening to "Fiesta pagana" by Mago de oz, excellent song)

Ya! dos cosas:
La semana pasada estaba revisando una página web de la que había recibido un comentario en el blog del campus. Fui y leí el "humoróscopo" (siempre leo los horóscopos, incluso cuando no les presto tanta atención :P) y me di cuenta de que había un error en él, así que le mandé un e-mail al oráculo (el tipo que lo escribe) y él, como forma de disculpa, me escribió uno personalizado :) Si es que lo visitan les aviso que mi nombre y horóscopo están escritos justo debajo de la foto del oráculo, en azul ;)

Bueno, y si lo fueron a ver vieron que soy una canceriana, así que ahora les cuento que mi 23avo cuempleaños (no puedo creer que ya voy a cumplir 23... el tiempo vuela cuando lo pasas bien) va a ser en dos semanas más!!!. Que si estoy emocionada por eso? por supuesto! siempre lo estoy!!!
Eso po! Cariños!
(Escuchando "Fiesta pagana" de Mago de Oz, excelente tema)


Anonymous Anónimo said...

advance birthday wishes...

I was curious to check out what was the prediction so i translated it myself (though I used babelfish for translation I will take the credit of translation !!)

This is what I read ... did you say it is more humourous in Spanish?? ;-) !

"This will be the best week of year 2005, we are enumerating: In the love you will be happy, loved, idolized; In the work you will be respected, will raise the pay to you, you will be the center of attention in your office or the place where workings; the health... Excellent! No resfrío in spite of the ice cream that is, the cold will be able with you... money, I do not say more to you, this month of June will not be scarce. I needed something?"

- Morpheus

11/6/05 15:07  
Blogger Monicaatje said...

@Arch storm: thx, but u whould've waited till the last post (from today), cuz it's like... 3 lines of text, and i was too lazy to translate that :P

@Morpheus: thx, but that is bad luck!!! not advance wishes pleeeeease :P
well... what can I say? software translations are always hilarious in my opinion I mean... I won't get a cold despite de ice cream? I haven't had ice cream in ages! maybe i should go get me one right now.... hm...
*turns off comp and goes hunting for ice cream*

12/6/05 18:55  
Blogger Monicaatje said...

@Tchorix: cierto que es bonito?

21/6/05 22:36  

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