lunes, mayo 9

Criticism ~ Críticas

One of the reasons, perhaps THE reason, I started this blog was to overcome my fear of criticism, my inability to take criticism. I don't think I have gotten much of that "hard to get" criticism here, maybe I would like to, maybe not... IDK.
Many times I take a random book, open it in a random place an read what it has to tell me. I often do that when troubled in mind or soul, a state I have been in and out these days.
Today I took a book and got a very clear message I want to share with you all.
Have a nice week ya'll!

I don’t have to feel hurt by criticism.
It’s my own interpretation of the meaning that

it has for me what produces pain. Bob says:
“Sometimes you act like a three-year-old”, or
Esther tells me: “You sound as if you were preaching”.
What meaning do those comments have for me?

It is I who chooses to interpret them as pejorative
since they are not so intrinsically
and I ascribe such intention.

I think if I were more fully aware
and accepting of the way I am, if I were
more familiar with the way I am, if I were
more familiar “with myself”, I wouldn’t feel
so critiqued nor so flattered by their words
and I would have the confidence to judge their accuracy

by myself.

Prather, H. (1995). Notes to myself. Santiago: Cuatro Vientos Editorial.

Una de las razones, tal vez LA razón, por la que empecé este blog fue para superar mi miedo a la crítica, mi incapacidad de aceptar la crítica. No creo haber recibido mucha de esa crítica "difícil de recibir" aquí, tal vez me gustaría, tal vez no... no lo sé.
Muchas veces tomo un libro al azar, lo abro en un lugar al azar y leo lo que tiene que decirme. A menudo hago eso cuando me siento atribulada en la mente o el alma, un estado del que he salido y entrado en los últimos días.
Hoy tomé un libro I recibí un mensaje muy claro que quiero compartir con uds.
Tengan una buena semana!

No tengo que sentirme herido por las críticas.
Es mi propia interpretación del significado que
tiene para mí
lo que produce el dolor. Bob dice:
“A veces actúas como un niño de tres años”, o
Esther me dice: “Suenas como si estuvieras predicando”.
¿Qué significado tienen estos comentarios para mí?

Soy yo quien elige interpretarlos como peyorativos
ya que no son intrínsecamente así
y yo les atribuyo esta intención.

Creo que si estuviese más plenamente consciente
y aceptante del modo que soy, si estuviera
más familiarizado con mi manera de ser, si estuviera
más familiarizado “conmigo”, no me sentiría ni
tan criticado ni tan halagado por sus palabras
y tendría la confianza de juzgar su exactitud
por mí mismo.

Prather, H. (1995). Palabras a mí mismo. Santiago: Cuatro Vientos Editorial.


Blogger Enchanted Mind said...

Ha !!!
Here we go......

ok lemme tell u somthing bout spirituality as what I understand. It is the path to understanding oneself and to understand the reasons why we are where we are, why we do what we do !!! and this has been the penance of most of the saints and with their efforts and patience, they have preached us or rather tried to preach us - put some knowledge into us and we as usual overlook or even criticise.

But it is a truth that they have established that the more you meet your inner self, the more you become godly - which I think is because, you attain a level of maturity where in you understand what all this pride, joy, emotions are all about and what consitutes them in you. Therefore, the more you know abt you, the more you are at peace with urself and the more disdainted your are and do not give in to flattery, pride and acceptance.

But nevertheless, it isnt that easy as we are bound by human conscience. Now why was I talking abt saints. Because, in their pursuit almost everyone has given up worldy pleasures. so, is it not possible to enjoy the worldly pleasures and yet seek that truth abt ourselves? Well, thats exactly what we all are trying to do I guess, just that at times we are carried away ;-p

And I dont know this comment even was coherent in conveying what I wanted to say, but I think we can talk abt that sometime soon. I have a surprising info for you abt meditation from India !!!

9/5/05 17:32  
Blogger Tasha said...

I don't wana b givin u any holy words but critical analysis of yourself both by you and the ones around you is one of the best ways of getting to know yourself better!

10/5/05 06:30  
Blogger Monicaatje said...

@Ph: I guess either u couldn't wait or the circumstances of conversation were given for us to have the conversation today :P
Good news is: I'm always wanting more!! Iguess today we alreadyset a topic for next time ;)

@Feshala: Thanx for dropping by!
Yes I agree that critical analysis is something that helps personal growth and knowledge, which is why I seek it (no matter how much fear it may produce). Come by again! I will visit soon.

11/5/05 01:05  
Blogger Monicaatje said...

Entiendo lo que quieres decir hermano. De acuerdo en que hay que intentar ver el punto de vista del otro y eso... para mí eso se resume en "tomar las cosas de quien vienen". Yo sé que hay criticas que son muy constructivas no sólo por la forma y por el fondo sino por su procedencia, pero tb sé que hay cosas que ni que... osea, las tomo de quien vienen y con el "peso" que eso les da.
También creo que la seguridad en sí mismo ayuda a no tener una "percepción delirante" (exagerando la nota un buen poco) de las cosas que se escuchan, leen o o que sea.
Esop! No siempre es necesario andar creativo para dar una opinión... o si?

15/5/05 14:35  
Blogger Javier said...

No me gusto' tu blog :P

(solo estoy viendo como va tu terapia contra las criticas ;) )

Suerte! y cuidate! :)

20/5/05 05:47  
Blogger Monicaatje said...

Jajaja! gracias, aprecio la crítica :P
Gracias por visitar! Espero verte pro acá más seguido y visitar yo tb, aunque la última vez no habías actualizado hacía muuuuuuuuucho tiempo.
Un abrazo y cariños a tu familia!

20/5/05 15:25  

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