lunes, abril 11

Un nuevo día ~ A new day

Y... sí, ayer estaba triste, y la tristeza me duró hasta hoy en la mañana. Afortunadamente pude hablar con una de mis amigas y ya empecé a distraerme de nuevo con las cosas de la universidad.
Y así como hablo de mis días tristes, creo que hay que hacer justicia y hablar de los días buenos también.
Ayer estaba triste y hacía frío, pero hoy me fue regalado un día precioso, con mucho sol y muy brillante. La universidad no fue tan bien como pudo haber ido, nuevamente no entendí nada en neuropsiquiatría y abrir el cerebro de vaca fue francamente asqueroso. Pero cuando salí del universidad y me dio el sol en la cara, cuando caminé y respiré el aire fresco, fue como si me hubiese vuelto un nuevo aire al espíritu, me volvió la sonrisa y se despejó la mente... (no así el pecho, todavía estoy resfriada y obstruida)
Lamentablemente el despejo de mente dura poco... ahora ya me voy a estudiar para evaluación psicológica.
Un abrazo cariñoso.

So yeah... yesterday I was sad, and sadness lasted till this morning. Fortunately I could talk to one of my friends and I started getting distracted again with things from the uni.
And as well as I talk bout my sad days, I think justice must be made and I have to talk bout my good days also.
Yesterday I was sad and it was cold, but today I was given a gorgeous day, with lots of sun and very bright. The uni didn't go as good as it could've, once again I understood nothing in my neuropsychiatry class and opening the cow's brain was simply disgusting. But when I walked out of the uni and the sun shone on my face, when I walked and breathed the fresh air, it was as if a new air had come into my spirit, my smile came back and my mind cleared... (not my chest tho, I still have this cold and I'm still obstructed)
Unfortunately the clear mind doesn't last long... I have to study for psychological evaluation now.
A warm hug.


Blogger Monicaatje said...

Yes, the brain of a cow.... at least now we know why cows think nonsense only :P
I was okay with trying that once... but this was the SECOND time I had to open one, so... one times too many for this girl!
If u ever wondered why i didn't get into medicine school? there's an answer... i was never really interested in having flesh in my hands... yuk.
And yes, physics (tho hard) did seem a lot nicer in that moment :P
Nope! cold fell in love with me and won't let me go.
Hope school's going great!
Oh! and... bout kinking? anytime :D
Keep in touch!

13/4/05 21:36  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.

19/4/05 05:40  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


Hope u wudn't have to do that again..I loved anatomy..I still watch ER when I am having my dinner..yeah well, I hear enough eekz and ewws from my folks when I do that..I just didn't like Chemistry..blat..It's not that I didn't like it, I just didn't study Chem at the time...Anyways, I guess both the cow and the cold have fallen in love with you..maybe you shud try some voodoo to get rid of both ayez..ok am officially blabbering now lol..catch up soon..laters..

V :)

19/4/05 23:22  
Blogger Monicaatje said...

V: I copied all of ur comment till the part where ur e-mail address was and posted it again, deleting the one that contained ur e-mail address... I'm trying to protect ur identity here! hahahaha.

So yeah... this cold fell for me (at least something does, ha!) but i'm getting rid of it... finally! now i just sneeze 50 times a day instead of 1000000 :)

Added u on msn. hope to catcga online sometime =) despite time lag ;)


19/4/05 23:25  

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