domingo, mayo 1

No more Hiroshima Nagasaki

I got this e-mail today from Greenpeace. Campaigner Atsuko Nogawa sends this message to all of us. Please read it and if possible take action.

No more Hiroshima Nagasaki
Stop the plutonium production plant at Rokkasho!

"Sixty years after the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Rokkasho reprocessing plant is scheduled to soon begin separating plutonium from Japan's spent nuclear fuel. Once fully operational, the plant will produce weapons-usable plutonium, which can be made into about 1,000 Nagasaki-type nuclear bombs.

Every time I visit Rokkasho plant, my heart breaks. It's in a quiet and beautiful farming community with a population of about 12,000 people. Once a famous fishing community, it is now known as a center of Japan's nuclear fuel cycle.

"Why does this peaceful village need to shoulder such a burden?"

The radioactive discharge from Rokkasho will be similar to that of discharge from the reprocessing plants in Europe, where radiation in sampling revealed radiation levels to be thousands of times more radioactive than background levels. Fully 82.5 % of the local population including mothers with growing children, young and old feels unsafe in regard to nuclear facilities.

I've met Hibakushas, nuclear bomb victims that were affected by the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan. They still suffer today from various forms of radiation sickness and unforgettable memory of the destruction.

"It is not possible to describe what I saw in Nagasaki", Mr. Okumura, one of the Hibakushas, continued, "it was unlike anything I had seen before August 9, 1945."

Can we allow more people in coming generations to continue to suffer from the affect of radiation?

I need your help to stop this."

If u want to do something about this click here