martes, octubre 20

Another kind of bridge, across another kind of eternity... Otro tipo de puente, hacia otro tipo de eternidad...

Sometimes, you reach out to another in pain and despair, and you find nothing but an abyss.
Some others, thank God/dess, life surprises you, and you find the hand of an equal, just as fragile and scared, but also willing, to build a bridge of confidence towards you, and towards them, and in between.
And those times, even if there's only a few of them, are worth the risk of making yourself vulnerable.

It was a blessed evening.
Thank you, my dear friend, for holding out your hand to me :)

Algunas veces, extiendes tu mano al otro en tu dolor y desesperación, y no encuentras sino un abismo.
Otras, gracias a Dios/a, la vida te sorprende, y encuentras la mano de un igual, tan frágil y asustado como tú, pero también con voluntad, para construir un puente de confianza hacia ti, hacia sí mismo, y entre medio.
Y esas veces, incluso sí sólo hay unas pocas, hacen que el riesgo de hacerse vulnerable valga la pena.

Fue una velada bendita.
Gracias, querida amiga, por extender tu mano hacia mí :)

miércoles, octubre 14

burning feeling, burning yearning...

I yearn not to feel this what burns inside me like a bad flame.... it burns and it burns me... in such a way that I know it cannot be will-o-the-wisp...
Or maybe I wish it's burn as strong that it would make me speak... and say what I know, and what I dread...
Could that person be so perverse? So evil to act as a friend whan actually a foe? Will I ever have the strength to know the difference? Dreading a dear friend a foe?

Side by side, in the darkness... will-o-the-wisp or true light? How long will it take to know the difference??