martes, noviembre 23


Oh yes, today was definately one of those days... By the end of the day I felt like the most absolute D.I.D. ever, and I see no Hercules around to come to my rescue. Isn't that a hero's job? to rescue a Damsel-in-distress??
It would've been awesome, to have someone come to my rescue today. Maybe a walk downtown, a ride around the city, a glass of wine or a cold orange juice... maybe just a bit of polite careless conversation that had nothing to do with work, furniture, shopping and being in charge of life...
I know nobody said it would be easy, but nobody said it would be this hard either!!

Ah!! But a man with a hero spirit came and rescued me :)
It wasn't a prince, nor knight in charming armor, but the king himself who came to my rescue. Where would I be without him? What would my life be without him?

The D.I.D. was finally rescued by the loving and benevolent King, her generous father who wouldn't bear to see her in distress. Thanx dad!! YOU ARE THE BEST :)