jueves, enero 20

Aprendiendo a escuchar a Bach ~ Learning how to listen to Bach

Con o sin mi muso inspirador he decidido escribir igual!
Desde la primera vez que escuché que hay que APRENDER a escuchar a Bach sentí las más grande de las curiosidades por aprender a escuchar al llamado genio de la música. La primera vez lo leí en uno de mis libros más favoritos en la vida, “El puente hacia el infinito” de Richard Bach. La segunda vez fue cuando una de mis más admiradas profesoras en la universidad mencionó que era muy útil en psicooncología saber escuchar a Bach y acompañar a los pacientes terminales en el placer de escuchar su música, ya que es una de las cosas en que encuentran placer en sus últimos días. Es por eso que cuando vi que uno de mis amigos tenía un libro titulado “La gran música paso a paso” TUVE que pedirle que me lo prestara. En estos últimos días me he dedicado a leerlo, pero no me siento preparada todavía para la tarea de escuchar el CD. Ahora en mi mente hay palabras desconocidas y fogosas como “arpegio”, “cantus firmus”, “tempo”, “fortissimo”, “ritornello” y cosas por el estilo. Mi tarde de mañana está reservada para escuchar el disco y con un poco de suerte entender al genio… Espero que mi inteligencia musical no sea tan mala como para no poder hacerlo. Si alguien tiene algún tipo de consejo, será bien recibido ;)

With or without my inspiring male muse I have decided to write anyways!
Ever since the first time I heard u have to LEARN how to listen to Bach I felt the greatest of curiosities to learn how to listen to the so called genius of music. The first time I read it from one of my fave books in life “The bridge across forever” by Richard Bach. The second time was when one of my most admired professors at the uni mentioned it was very useful in psychooncology knowing how to listen to Bach and accompany terminal patients in the pleasure of listening to his music, since it’s one of the things in which they find pleasure in their last days. That is why when I saw one of my friends had a book entitled “The great music step by step” I HAD to borrow it. In these lasts days I’ve been reading it, buy I don’t feel ready yet for the task of listening to the CD. Now in my mind there are unknown, fiery words such as “arpeggio”, “cantus firmus”, “tempo”, “fortissimo”, “ritornello” and things of the sort. Mi afternoon tomorrow is reserved to listen to the disk and with a bit of luck understand the genius… Hopefully my musical intelligence won’t be too bad so that I can make it. If someone has any kind of advice, it’s welcomed to give it ;)


Blogger Enchanted Mind said...

Music and me...Nah.....I do listen to music and sometimes feel every cell responding to certain music ...those that touch deep in my heart, but advising others...just not me!

20/1/05 15:52  
Blogger Enchanted Mind said...

True tchorix.....I'm not a bad listener though am not good enough to get to the nittygritties of the same....been thinking for a while to learn some form of music....tried my hands on Flute ( dont know if you know about it) ...Its one of my favourite....just your air through a wooden tube(crudely put) but it emanates soul stirring music.....But I was pathetic in it....and didnt take it seriously then...kinda planning to do something again....probably a key board to start with !!!

24/1/05 04:34  
Blogger Monicaatje said...

Well... I think I'm not that good listening to music tho... but i find it fascinating. For example right now i'm listening to a great song from The Cure, and it enlightens my day =)
I have delayed my trip to San vicente cuz my cousins will be travelling soon and they weren't gonna be here when i came back, so I'm in Santiago for the moment. No Bach here tho :P
I'll try to post something soon =) IDK why i get so many important ideas when i'm travelling :P
Hugs to u all!!!

24/1/05 14:23  

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